Friday, February 21, 2014

Oh where are you...?

This last treatment marked the half-way point for me, and it was time for a scan. A little how-we-doin check-in ultrasound.

The tech who did the ultrasound and the doctor who read the scans were the same team who I saw three months ago. The same team who discovered the 3 tumors and lymph involvement.

This time, there was not a tumor in sight and the lymph node looked very unexciting. Quite normal actually.

While I can't be sure that the cancer is no longer in my body (only a PET scan could confirm this) I do know that no visible tumors and a normal looking lymph node is wonderful news.

So what next? Do I get to hop on a plane to Tulum this weekended to celebrate by sunbathing and toasting to my everlasting good health?

Not quite yet.

I still have 3 months of chemo to make it through. Then surgery. Then 6 weeks of radiation.

While the common cold may be more annoying (see previous post) the recovery time is way faster. Cancer is a lot of things. Speedy isn't one of them.



  1. Great news! Continuing to pray for you through your journey!

    1. Sue! I know! So relieved. Still a long way to go, but such a sense of relief that the treatment is working. Your prayers are so much appreciated! xox

  2. So glad to hear this! Will keep the prayers going. Love you! :)
