Friday, May 2, 2014

What I Want

I want to run a marathon,
or maybe,
do a century bike ride,
or maybe check in with my trainer,
'what up fool?'

I want to go to the city,
drink champagne,
dance all night. 

I want it to be hot
so I can wear my summer skirt
on a date to an outdoor show.
Then go for a drink,
then home for dessert.

I want to learn to:
Swing dance, 
find the good stuff. 

I want to go out to dinner, 
with you,
to a place we both like.
I want to listen to how you love
your passport photo,
sun ripened peaches,
and sea stones.

Instead, I'm at home.
Looking out the window,
wearing a brown hat.

The calendar says spring, 
but the sky is grey.
The heat clicks on now and then.

My body was sick.
It's better now, I guess. 
But the drugs take me away,
and I'm afraid I won't get back in time
for all of it.
Maybe I won't come back at all.

In which case, send me a postcard.
With a photo of you on the front,
eating a peach, standing by the ocean.


  1. I never realized you were a wordsmyth. This is amazing. Thank you for this.

    1. I toil quietly on my writing. I'm writing a book that may or may not ever be finished. Also, I've written 2 volumes of poetry, "The Inch and the Mile" and "Native Tounges" I guess the one above is for volume number 3. Funny how it all evolves.
